Digital Marketing

Hotel marketing

Digital Marketing

Our Marketing & Communications team ensures your digital visibility and builds a personalised image for your establishment...


To optimise the e-marketing of your establishment, we ensure the digital visibility and communication of your hotel. Our aim is to increase direct bookings by broadcasting a consistent marketing image that is seen by as many people as possible.  

We have a team of hotel marketing and communication experts on hand to help you with all the issues related to this field. Our team is split into 2 strategic areas to offer you a global and personalised service. 

The Digital Marketing Division which increases your establishment's presence and visibility on the Internet through a number of actions:  

  • Audit of your digital presence and personalised recommendations 
  • Redesign of your website or creation of a new customised site 
  • Maintaining and updating your website 
  • Optimising your referencing with SEO & SEA campaigns  
  • Creation of targeted ads 
  • Managing your CRM (customer relations platform) 
  • Sending a quarterly report 

Communication Department which develops a personalised image and promotes your establishment through strategic actions: 

  • Audit of your marketing strategy and personalised recommendations  
  • Overhaul the positioning and branding of your establishment 
  • Global management of your social networks (Facebook, Instagram and TikTok) 
  • Management of influencer collaborations and marketing partnerships 
  • Creating content for your social networks and website 
  • Creating print content for your establishment 
  • Organising photo shoots 
  • Sending a quarterly report